Match the statements to the speakers

Match the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakers
Match the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakers
Match the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakersMatch the statements to the speakers